The introduction to the book of lyrics Song Hunt, written by Jehanne (then Sylvia) in 1981, gives an illuminating insight into her creative process.


“These songs have been written over a period of 10-11 years. It was the enjoyment of listening to and singing traditional British folk songs which made me want to write songs myself. The British tradition is a cornucopia of riches which I feel stretches back in mood, and also in some of the content, to Celtic times. Some of these songs are closer to the traditional mood than others. It would take lifetimes to learn all there is to be learnt from our tradition and I am only starting.

“The songs do not belong to me, although I feel responsible for how they get on in the world. When I first started to write them the process was very much an inspirational one. I often did not know what I was going to write about (see Song Hunt [on the Jehanne Mehta album]). Form and content came from somewhere with little work on my part, sometimes very quickly, and sometimes lyrics and melody both at once. Of late a theme may be decided on beforehand, but I have to wait, sometimes a long time, for the creative moment when the tune suddenly begins to arrive, or the words, or both. Once this starts to happen, I have to orientate my mind to the theme, and feel driven until I’ve done the work of creating, shaping and cutting. Once a song is finished, I’m usually surprised at what has been written and often find I have learnt a lot on several levels from the creative effort involved.

“It remains to point out the obvious. A song is hardly complete without the melody, although some of the lyrics may stand on their own. The purpose of this collection, however, is to enable the reader to follow the content of the songs while listening or after having heard them. If, in listening to the songs and pondering on them, the reader can recognise some of his own experiences reflected back at him and can feel his heart warmed by them, then I shall feel I have gone a little way towards achieving what song, and in particular folk song, has done for me.”

Read Jehanne’s BIOGRAPHY